What is Customer Onboarding? (And How to Nail It!)

Acquiring a new customer is a big deal.
After all, there are a lot of costs and efforts that go into acquiring every single one of your new customers.
As a result, you want to make sure you fully optimize the experience of every single new customer.
This is where Customer Onboarding comes into play.
What is Customer Onboarding?
Customer Onboarding refers to sets of practices and procedures that seek to nurture your new customers once they are acquired. This includes introductions to the product, training, specialized support, customer service and much more.
The goal of Customer Onboarding is to make the customer feel confident about their new purchasing decision, therefore retaining them for longer. After all, in average, businesses lose about 75% of new customers within a week.
Remember, higher customer retention rates translate into higher recurring revenue for your business.
Ultimately, Customer Onboarding practices seek to increase your retention rates of new customers.
Customer Onboarding and the Customer Journey
We’ve talked about the customer journey on our blog before.
It might be easy to confuse both Customer Onboarding and the Customer Journey with each other. However, Customer Onboarding is just one of the pieces that make up your overall Customer Journey.
When looking at your own customer journey, you’ll have to consider how your Customer Onboarding strategies play out through your customer journey.
Is every customer getting the same onboarding experience?
Do customers with larger order amounts receive a different onboarding experience?
What about paid customers vs free plan customers?
Closing Thoughts
Improving your customer onboarding strategy can be the key to retaining more customers, increasing your recurring revenue and increasing the bottom line of your company.
How you handle these strategies at your business depends on your own business goals.
How will you tackle Customer Onboarding?